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Chinese New Year 2023 - Year of the Rabbit

Chinese New Year 2023 - Year of the Rabbit

The date of the Chinese New Year celebrations is linked to the lunar cycle and as a consequence, the actual date set for the Chinese New Year varies each year. An almost infallible guide to calculating the actual timing for the start of the celebrations is that New Year follows the second new moon after the winter solstice. For 2023, the second new moon falls on twenty second of January. So let's get ready to celebrate in style.
2023 Year of the Rabbit celebrate with costumes, party goods and more here at Karnival Costumes online party shop

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Ferrero Rocher Graduation Caps

Ferrero Rocher Graduation Caps

If you're planning a graduation party to celebrate all of the preceding hard work (and expense), then these Ferrero Rocher Graduation Caps will be a startling addition to your buffet table - or you could get your butler to take them around your guests.A breeze to make, it's PartyPinching.com who…

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Global Beatles Day – An Annual Celebration of The Beatles

Global Beatles Day – An Annual Celebration of The Beatles

Global Beatles Day celebrating the musical talent of four Liverpool lads - Karnival Costumes online party shop Blog

In the early sixties and almost hidden away in a small music club in Liverpool music history changed forever. Four young lads came together to form what would be one of the most influential rock bands the world has ever heard. Written large in the annals of history, the names of the four lads are legend. Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon, and Ringo Starr or as they are still collectively known to this day, The Beatles ruled the music world and given their achievements it’s right and proper that we celebrate them with an annual event every June.

Rock and Roll Beatle AC287 available here at Karnival Costumes online party shop

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Tokyo 2020 Olympics and the Meaning of the Flag!

Tokyo 2020 Olympics and the Meaning of the Flag!

2020 Tokyo Oylimpcs - Karnival Costumes online party shop Blog

The global pan-demic Covid-19 inflicted a vast amount of pain and suffering around the world and part of the disruption suffered was the postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games by 12 months, the first time that this has happened. So here we are in 2021 about to commence on a heavily restricted Olympics with more empty stadiums. But it doesn't mean that we cannot celebrate Tokyo 2020 with our own parties and here at Karnival Costumes we've a collection of party goods to decorate your own Olympics party.

Tissue paper Olympic Torch by Beistle 55667 available here at Karnival Costumes online party shop

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Wear it Pink Day 2021

Wear it Pink Day 2021

Wear it Pink day in October - Karnival Costumes online party shop Blog

Breast cancer is still here. It’s still tearing apart the lives of families and it’s still taking the lives of the women we love on a heartbreaking scale. So the search for a cure needs to continue and for that to happen money to fund the research programs needs to continue to be raised. Which is where 'Wear it Pink' comes in. This now annual event during autumn sees thousands dressed in pink and doing all manner of silly things in-order to raise money and awareness of the life-saving research which needs to continue until a cure is found.

Wear it Pink Glam Geek kit by Smiffy 25645 available here at Karnival Costumes online party shop

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Hawaiian Fancy Dress - 5 Ideas to Make Your Luau Party Successful

Hawaiian Fancy Dress - 5 Ideas to Make Your Luau Party Successful

Why not plan your own Hawaiian Luau with costymes, costume accessories and patyware available here at Karnival Costumes online party shopDuring the summer months, one of the most popular themes for costume parties around the country is Hawaiian fancy dress. The traditional Hawaiian party or Luau is really an obvious theme for a summer barbecue party because outfits are relatively cheap to buy and consequently your guests are more likely going to join in the fun and dress up for the occasion. And if you have a supply of Hawaiian leis or flower garlands, you can make sure everyone joins in anyway!
Beach party straw hat by Palmers 5815 available here at Karnival Costumes online party shop

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Vegetarian Week Costumes a Feast of Meat Free Monday Costumes

Vegetarian Week Costumes a Feast of Meat Free Monday Costumes

National Vegetarian Week should be celebrated in style - in fancy dress! And at Karnival Costumes online party shop we've a range of meat free costumes. National Vegetarian Week 2020 runs between 11-17 May and provides a chance to highlight to the wider public the benefits and pleasures of a meat-free diet. It’s a chance to showcase veggie food at a time when more people look to make lifestyle changes. Eating a vegetarian diet is increasing in appeal and National Vegetarian week aims to show to communities and schools across the UK (well maybe not this year) that vegetarian food can be vibrant and exciting to eat.
National Vegetarian Week should be celebrated in style - in fancy dress! And at Karnival Costumes online party shop we've a range of meat free costumes.

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British Sandwich Week

British Sandwich Week

British Sanwich Week is in May - Karnival Costumes online party shop Blog British Sandwich Week is a week-long event held annually in May and is a true celebration of, perhaps the original easy carry food to go and quite possibly the most iconic British culinary invention, the Sandwich. At Karnival Costumes we believe that sarnies should come dressed complete with a delicate sandwich flags and we’ve a range of over forty styles ranging from Mexican fiesta flag picks to the birthday party staple the Football style sandwich flag which means that whatever your party theme, we’re sure to have the sandwich flags to suit you.
British Sandwich Week is in May - celebrate in style with sandwich flags and picks from Karnival Costumes online party shop

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July is Picnic Month - Celebrate with Us

July is Picnic Month - Celebrate with Us

July is Picnic Month with families and friends joinging together - Karnival Costumes online party shop Blog Throughout recorded history there has always been something special about leaving the stuffy confines of the indoors to eating a meal outside. We know there’s a beautiful world out there waiting for us to get out there and find it again after the restrictions of winter and when summer comes around we’re reminded just how much time we’ve spent being locked inside whether by the weather or pandemic!
Picnic Month is July - celebrate the great outdoors in style

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International Talk Like a Pirate Day - 2020

International Talk Like a Pirate Day - 2020

International Talk Like a Pirate Day 2020 - Karnival Costumes Blog Arggghhh me hearties! So yer ‘ere to learn the vast secrets of this sacred day that soon be upon us!? You’ve guessed it it’s all about ‘International Talk Like a Pirate Day’, a day set aside every year when you can dress up like a pirate and best of all, practice talking like one too!  We would point out here that pillaging, stealing and brawling in port is NOT the purpose of the day, it’s about fun and family enjoyment so keep that it mind!

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