Horror Clown Masks
Horror Clown Masks
The character of the clown or jester has been part of society for centuries and their purpose has always been the same to amuse and entertain. In Medieval times they were court jesters whose job it was to keep the court entertained whereas today we are used to seeing clowns under the lights of the circus big tops. The main characteristic of the typical clown is a painted face with exaggerated and brightly coloured facial features which help to emphasize the emotions.
Chunky Horror Clown Costume Mask
Adult Halloween Horror Chunky Clown MaskFrom our collection of Halloween horror costume masks, this is our horror clown mask which has is based on a t...
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Clown Crazy Eye Animated Mask - Digital Dudz
Digital Dudz - Crazy Eye Clown MaskDesigned by Ghoulish Productions of Mexico, this is a quality latex horror clown face mask from the Digital Dudz ra...
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Clown Horror Mask
Clown Horror Mask
Clown Horror MaskHorror klown mask to complete your Halloween clown fancy dress costume. This is a full face with a wild mane of simulated red hair. B...
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Deranged Jester Mask
Deranged Jester Mask
Deluxe Deranged Horror Jester MaskThis is a deluxe oversized Deranged Horror Jester Mask for Halloween mask which has a grotesque looking face and sna...
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Gus Horror Clown Mask - Halloween Klown Costume Masks
Gus Horror Clown MaskDeluxe horror klown mask to complete your Halloween clown fancy dress costume. This is a three-quarter, or open mask, where the m...
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Hair Spike Horror Clown Mask - Horror Klown Costume Masks
Hair Spike Horror Clown MaskFrom our extensive collection of real horror masks on a klown theme, this is our Hair Spike Horror Clown Mask which will b...
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Halloween Horror Clown Mask
Halloween Horror Clown Mask
Halloween Horror Clown MaskDeluxe horror klown mask to complete your Halloween clown fancy dress costume. This is a three-quarter mask covering the en...
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Horror Clown Costume Mask
Adult Halloween Horror Clown MaskFrom our collection of Halloween horror costume masks, this is our horror clown mask which has is based on a traditio...
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Horror Clown Mask - XXL EVA
XXL EVA Horror Clown MaskLightweight and over-sized, this is a truly impressive horror clown mask which has been well detailed and produced. This is a...
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Horror Face Mask Collection - 3x Halloween Fright Night Masks
Halloween HoRROR Face Mask Pack - 3pcsAllowing you to choose who you want to be during the night or an affordable way of getting three genuine Mask-er...
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Horror Joker Mask with Hat and Hair
Horror Joker Mask with Hat and HairHorror Joker Clown mask with hat and hair to complete your Halloween joker fancy dress costume. Definitely not the ...
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Horror Klown Mask with Hood
Horror Klown Mask with Hood
Horror Klown MaskFrom our super collection of Halloween masks this is our Horror klown mask which comes complete with an integral black hood and perfe...
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Although clowns are meant to be happy, there are some sad clown faces and nowadays there are plenty of truly scary and frightening clown masks which are a based on a morphing of the traditional happy character and wicked features, the result being one of the creepiest Halloween looks out there. At Karnival Costumes we've a great range of Horror Clown Costume Masks for all occasions and remember, our buyers are always busy finding new masks from all of the leading manufacturers so our stocks and selection are being updated constantly.