Darts Party

Darts Party

A favourite pastime for many and a serious competitive sport for a few; darts or dart-throwing is a competitive sport in which two or more players throw small sharp-pointed missiles known as darts at a round target known as a dartboard. Darts players are sometimes termed "dartists" or if they are in the pub as the night wears on, something entirely different! In the game of darts, points are scored by hitting specific marked areas of the board, though unlike in archery and other sports, these areas are distributed all across the board and only roughly do they follow the principle of points increasing towards the centre of the board. On a standard dartboard, each of the scoring wedges has a value and within that wedge shape, there is a small area around the centre which is worth triple the area score and a larger area at the extreme outer edge which is worth double the area score. In the centre of the board is the 'Bullseye' which is worth 50 points and sirround ing this is the 'outer bullesye' worth 25 points. While being a professional shooting sport, darts is also a traditional pub game. Darts has become a worldwide phenomenom enjoyed recreationally in many countries. Here at Karnival Costmes we're all about the fun and we've a new range of darts themed party decorations to help you liven up your own darts party.