Theatrical Blood

From completing the look of your own costume to providing the finishing touch to your Halloween party decorations, Theatrical Blood will give you the edge.  At Karnival Costumes we have a large selection of imitation or theatrical blood which is available in a liquid form, solid cakes or as a gel which will ensure that you can get just the right product for your unique application.  Liquid blood is best used to create scenes of mass carnage, it can also be used to create dramatic shot or stab wound effects by wearing a small thin balloon - think water bomb beneath your clothing and the slapping it to burst the balloon allowing the blood to spread rapidly. 

Blood Gel 28ml by Widmann 4098S available here at Karnival Costumes online party shop

Blood Gel

Blood Gel - 28gr Theatrical Blood Gel. Thick and realistic make-up blood which is easy to apply and easy to remove, 28ml. Easy to apply drying on cont... view details

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Blood Spray

Blood Spray

Blood Spray - 2fl oz  Blood Spray. Easy to use this is a perfect make-up accessory for making bruises, cuts, grazes, burns and slashes. Manual spra... view details
£3.99 £4.95

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The cake of blood allows you to apply the product in a sculpted form which, combined with zombie flesh etc creates a long lasting effects. Blood gels are best applied where you want the blood to coagulate as their thick consistency allows them to dry much like real blood, completing the desired look.  Lastly blood capsules allow you to create an instant effect, mainly in and around the mouth and these create some really impressive Vampire bites, boxing injuries or plain leaking blood scars. And for something more exotic we've recently added some light green witches blood as well as some darker green zombie blood or zombieblut (which actually sounds more menacing) so that you can create that perfect zombified face that only it's mother could love!